Jiawen Yao
Wiss. Hilfskraft COSE-Projekt
jiawen yao ∂does-not-exist.partner kit edu
Jiawen exists as a user most of the time in her life, having little agency as a standard user, both tech and politic wise, she seeks for otherwise possibilities queering the given identity of a user. Apart from that, jiawen is a researcher-designer based in Bremen, Germany, she sees leak as a definite part of the digital reality, and leaking as a method to survive together. She’s currently studying in Digital Media in University of Arts Bremen.
- 01.2023 - present. Research assistant in Coded Secrets: Artistic Interventions Hidden in the Digital Fabric with Prof. Dr. Inge Hinterwaldner, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie. Karlsruhe, Germany.
- 03.2022 - 06.2022. Research assistant in The Dynamic Archive project with Prof. Dr. Andrea Sick, Hochschule für Künste Bremen. Bremen, Germany.
- 05.2021 - 06.2021. Guest lecturer at East China Normal University, Design Dept. Seminar: physical computing basics. Shanghai, China.
- 09.2019 - 02.2021. Research assistant in Chronus Art Center Lab. Shanghai, China.
- 11.2019 - 12.2020. Interaction designer in MorrowAgent Studio , Shanghai, China
- 05.2023 - 07.2023. AI to Amplify Fellowship program, Goethe-Institut, Online.
- 11.2022. Gedankenexperiment, Exhibition, Flut Gallery, Bremen, Germany.
- 07.2022 - 08.2022. In Translation, Residency, Circa 106, Bremen, Germany.
- 06.2022. When the language is three dimensional, an intro to ASL, Workshop, Bremen, Germany.
- 2021. Art Homepage Fair, online. 2020. Internet Yami Ichi, Chronus Art Center, Shanghai, China.
- 2019. Maker Faire Bay Area, San Mateo, USA.