
Teaching Concept

Students do not need to be told what to think or do, but rather they require assistance in cultivating their natural curiosity and help in identifying their strengths and weaknesses. As an professor of art history and new media art, it is my obligation to aid students to make the most of their degrees whether they chose to remain in the arts of pursue a different path. For this reason my teachings both in practical exhibition design, art making and art history seek to develop interdisciplinary skills and the ability to identify areas where their skills can also be applied.

My teaching philosophy is deeply rooted in inclusivity, empathy, and the pursuit of justice, aiming to foster transformative education that empowers students and uplifts marginalized communities. Grounded in the belief that education is a catalyst for societal change, I prioritize creating an environment where every student's unique perspective is not only heard but celebrated. Through a student-centered approach, I act as a facilitator of knowledge, encouraging exploration, questioning, and critical engagement with the subject matter while promoting diversity and inclusivity.

Guest Lectures

8th Festival United for the Arts, Escuela de Arte de Tlaxcala , Mexico, 3 day immersion course

What is curation? How can we engage with curation without duplicating colonialist ways of thinking? What are the challenges curators face in day to day practice? This introduction to curation course presents an overview of curatorial practice, from its origins to current concerns such as restitution practices, decolonization, accessibility and contemporary research methodologies.

"Visiting Lecture, Wofford College, Department of Art & Art History, Sponsored by the Center for Innovative Learning”, USA

Guerrilla curation is a necessity for emerging artists and curators who lack access to funds and other resources traditional curatorial practice recommends. In this course, students learned how to improvise display methods, find alternative exhibition spaces and overall develop a flexible and agile workflow that allows for creative exhibition design.